This post explains the use of gradable and ungradable adjectives. The explanation is followed with an activity. Adjectives describe a quality that something possesses. To describe, for example, variations in temperature, we can use hot or cold, which are gradable adjectives. But to describe the limits (the maximum or minimum level) of temperature, we use boiling or freezing, which are ungradable adjectives. We also use adverbs to make adjectives stronger or weaker. Some adverbs can only be used with gradable and ungradable adjectives.
This blog explains the uses of used to, be used to, get used and would in English language. The explanation has an exercise and all in pdf format as well.
Continuous verb forms express activities, or a series of activities, that happen at some point between their beginning and end. The continuous aspect focuses on the duration of an activity: we are aware of the passing of time. The activity is not permanent, and its duration is temporary.