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Family Tree, Possessive adjectives free ESL EFL pdf worksheets with answer keys

Family Tree, Possessive adjectives

Family Tree, Possessive adjectives

Family Tree, Possessive adjectives free ESL EFL pdf worksheets with answer keys

Listen about Noah’s family:

Listen about Eddie:

Family Tree_Possessive adjectives free ESL EFL pdf worksheets with answer keys.

This worksheet is about practicing the family members with possessive adjectives. Students read and write. The worksheet has an answer key.

Understanding Possessive Adjectives in English: A Beginner’s Guide

Possessive AdjectiveExplanationExample Sentences
MyUsed to show possession by the speaker (singular).“This is my book.”
YourUsed to show possession by the person being addressed.“Is this your pencil?”
HisUsed to show possession by a male person or animal.“That is his car.”
HerUsed to show possession by a female person or animal.“This is her house.”
ItsUsed to show possession by a non-human subject.“The cat is cleaning its paws.”
OurUsed to show possession by the speaker and others.“We are going to our friend’s party.”
YourUsed to show possession by more than one person.“Is this your dog?” (plural “your” for addressing multiple people)
TheirUsed to show possession by more than one person/thing.“Those are their bikes.” (plural “their” for multiple owners)


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